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A Norwegian bombshell, STINE, 20’s, inherited her alcohol addictions from her ancestors.  She hit New York from a small Norwegian fishing town when she was 17.  New York has a way of eating up young beautiful young girls, but Stine can devour you with just a look.  She’s salt of the earth and fond of wiping her hands on her pants, a habit she developed from working on boat motors with her father.  She grew up pulling fish from the Norwegian sea and would do anything to protect the earth’s oceans and water sources.


The town beauty from IOWA, USA, CLAIRE, 20’s, never quite shook her hippie roots.  She’s got a strong interest in botany, crystals, loves natural remedies and can read your future in the palm of your hand.   In high school, a car accident got her hooked on pain killers and she gave her valedictorian speech high as a kite.  She escaped her small town to New York University and dropped out to shoot up and make some money modeling on the runway.  She loves nature and therefore is devoted to rescuing animals and saving the planet, one wolf at a time.  Her mother was a teacher, so she’s also passionate about educating children.




Pithy, intrepid, action packed — short and sweet.

The web episodes would be short, action driven, with as little dialogue as possible.  Music montage punctuated by pithy one-liners.  

Though there will be drama and laughs, the production value will have an artistic look inspired by iconic fashion images.  Inspiration would come from the work of photographers such as David Bellemere, Martin Parr, Saul Leiter, and Peter Lindbergh. Some episodes could even be in black & white.

Though a web series, I believe it is important that the content be known for its visual style, as well as, the performance, story and social message.  At the same time it shouldn’t take itself too seriously and, therefore, have a touch of the vulgar, whimsical and absurd.



Our characters, Stine and Claire are both young, willful and wild-hearted.  They are on a mission to live and give back to the best of their ability.  Their stories will be interwoven with the charities they decide to support, the germane, life affirming activities they are energized to explore and the brands they are inspired to wear and consume.  

Each episode would be sponsored by a different designer, hotel, car company, or non-alcoholic beverage product.  

Precise storytelling would subtly, visually and verbally embrace the brands Stine and Claire are wearing, using, and consuming as they frolic in their new, inspirational lives.